Climb the Vertical Learning Curve
Founders need to master a huge number of skills and topics all while scrambling to keep their business running.
Feel the Boot is here to walk with you along the difficult and rewarding path you have chosen.
118. Avoid These Startup Finance Mistakes — Insights from a Fractional CFO
Most early-stage founders know that building a product and finding customers are top priorities. But what about finance?
117. Cold Start Your Startup Pitch: Hook Investors from the First Second
Most founders waste the most important part of their pitch. It’s such a simple mistake—and so easy to fix.
116. Fear is the Startup Killer: How to Overcome It and Get Started
Most people who ever dreamed of starting their own business never did anything about it.
Fear holds them back. The good news? You can conquer it.
115. Why Startup Plans Fail (and Why That’s Okay)
Startup plans rarely go as well as planned. Let’s unpack three powerful quotes about planning that every founder should keep in mind.
114. Building Products Right: Essential Advice for Early-Stage Founders by Chad Perry 🚀
The journey to building a product can feel like navigating a minefield. Fractional CTO Chad Perry shares his suggestions.
113. Effective Team Building and Self-Management for Founders – Emily Hawkins Interview
Leadership expert Emily Hawkins unpacks the essential yet often-overlooked “soft skills” that founders need to lead their teams effectively.
112. Go Niche or Go Home: Why Your Startup Needs a Narrow Initial Market (and How to Pick One)
In the early stages of your startup, you might feel the urge to cast a wide net, but the key to success is focusing on a niche market.
111. Freemium Business Models: The Good, the Bad, and an Alternative You Should Consider
The freemium business model is popular, but is it right for your startup?
110. How to Pivot Your Startup Before You Launch 🚀 Pre-Pivot Strategies for Entrepreneurs
What if you could pivot before building your solution or going to market? Imagine the resources you could save!
109. What is Secret Sauce? 🔥 Why Every Startup Needs It!
In this article, we unpack the nature of secret sauce, why it is critical to the success of your startup, and why investors focus on it.
108. The Waiting Game: Why Pre-Seed Investors Delay and How to Speed Up Commitment
Why do investors play the waiting game, and how can you get them off the fence and committed earlier?
107. Startup Failure Analysis 🔎 Key Lessons from Abby Sugar
In the world of startups, success stories often steal the spotlight. Yet, failure is a far more common companion on the entrepreneurial journey.
106. Why Startups Fail: Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid
It's a sad reality that most startups fail within the first few years. There are ten things that most failed startups have in common.
105. How to Make Your Startup Elevator Pitch Effective 🚀 and Get Venture Capital Investment
Your elevator pitch is more than just an introduction; it’s the gateway to potential investment and growth opportunities.
104. Negotiation skills 🤝 for startup founders
Negotiation is one of the core roles of CEOs. As a founder, you will negotiate with investors, co-founders, employees, vendors, and customers.
At first, most founders are not expert negotiators. I certainly wasn't.
103. Better than TAM SAM SOM 🚀 startup market sizing
Every early-stage investor wants to hear about your market opportunity. How big can you plausibly get if everything goes well?
That usually means sharing your TAM, SAM, and SOM. But what are they, how do you calculate them, and are they really the best way of showing your market potential?
102. Testing Startup Ideas and Assumptions ⚖️ John Li of PickFu Interview
In this episode, I talked with John Li, co-founder of PickFu because of his focus on testing ideas and assumptions in startups.
101. Decoding Startup Sales Strategy 🧐 Michael Regnier Interview
Sales strategy is often a neglected aspect of many tech startups, especially those led by technical founders.
100. Recognizing and Surviving a Startup Heart Attack 🫀
This is the 100th article I have written for Feel the Boot.
I've been struggling for months searching for a topic worthy of this milestone.
Then, several weeks ago, I had a heart attack.
99. The 10x rule 🌟 Why better is not enough
Investors and advisors may have told you your solution needs to be ten times better, faster, or cheaper than the competition. But why is that?
98. Startup Fundraising Facilitators 🐍 Surviving the Pit of Serpents!
Raising money from investors is a long, arduous process, so many founders seek help.
In response, a whole cadre of people specializing in that sprang up, often called fundraising facilitators. The problem is that most of them appear to be ineffective at best and harmful at worst.
97. Exposing the top reasons for angel investment pre-screen rejections
How demoralizing is spending hours on a pitch deck and associated materials only to get ghosted by the investor or receive an automated form rejection?
96. Startup Privacy Policies 🥷 What you need to know about GDPR, CCPA and beyond!
In this interview, Sabir Ibrahim, an attorney and entrepreneur, provides valuable insights on the implications of privacy and privacy policies for startups.
95. You’re delivering your pitch deck ask wrong 🤯 What you should say instead 😎
Most founders are doing their “ask” wrong and seriously damaging their chances of success.
94. Escape the Startup Paradox 😬 Strategies for Funding Product Development
There's a paradox that impacts most startups early in their journeys. You can't make your product without money, and you can't get money without a product.
93. Startup Branding and Positioning 🔥 Mara Rada Interview
Mara Rada explains how to use branding and positioning to maximum effect in your startup.
92. The Economics of Angel Investing 💸 Angel Investing 101
If you're serious about angel investing, it's critical to understand the underlying economics.
91. 🥳 Non-monetary Startup Rewards and Recognitions
You want to attract and, more importantly, retain top talent. but you can’t pay top dollar. So what can you do?
90. Thirteen Key Considerations for Evaluating Angel Deals 💰 Angel Investing 101
In this article, I share the thirteen factors I consider when evaluating angel investment opportunities.
89. Non-Dilutive Startup Fundraising 💰 SBIR Grants for Innovation
In this interview, Caroline Arzoo, Director of Partnerships at OmniSync, and I discuss the different options for funding a startup, with a focus on non-dilutive funding.
88. Talking to friends and family about investing in your startup.
The first money you raise for your startup will probably be from people who already care about you and your success, your friends and family.
87. Get Angel Investor Dealflow 💸
Once you decide to start angel investing, your first challenge is finding strong dealflow. You need access to a large number of companies looking for funding that meet your general target criteria, because most won’t be worthy of your money.
86. BoD vs. Shareholder ⚖️ Startup Corporate Governance
What can you do as a startup CEO, what requires approval by the Board of Directors, and what needs a shareholder vote? How do those meetings work, and how do you make them official?
85. How venture capital kills startups ☠️
VC investment is a double-edged sword. It can launch your startup like a rocket, but it can also cause it to explode on the launch pad.
Learn how taking venture capital investments can destroy your company.
84. How to start angel investing
Angel investing can seem intimidating at first. This article will teach you a low-risk way to get started and how to maximize your long-term results.
83. Angel Investing 101 💰
Many people are interested in Angel Investing, either in being an angel or getting money from them. However, they are often confused about precisely what it is and how it works.
82. 📉Startup Fundraising in a Bear Market
When the economy gets rocky, raising funds for your startup is more challenging.
In this article, I show how to adapt your fundraising strategy and position your company for maximum success.
81. My worst day as a founder 😭 how we pivoted, survived, and eventually thrived
Creating and growing a company can be an incredible experience, but you will have days that seriously suck. Because I frequently talk about how challenging launching a startup can be, I want to share my worst day as a founder.
80. Fire the Founder? 🔥 Take the initiative and replace yourself as CEO
Most successful startups will eventually outgrow their founding CEO. If you handle it correctly, you can have a good experience and an even better long-term outcome. Here’s what happened to me.
79. Cofounder Vesting 😭 Handling founder shares when things go wrong
Founder stock vesting can be a touchy subject. If an investor asks you to vest your shares, you might worry that you will lose control or that they will take your ownership and kick you out.
78. Investment Term Sheets: Explanations, Red Flags, and where to push back
Money from investors should fuel your startup's exponential growth. But a lousy term sheet can leave the company spluttering on the launch pad with nothing to show for all your hard work.
77. Pitching when tech’s glitching. Handle PowerPoint failure with style!
Sometimes when you pitch, the technology won’t cooperate. Learn to handle it so you look as good or better than you would have if everything had gone perfectly.
76. Investor Updates: how, why, and an investor update template
Investor update emails are your best tool for keeping investors, potential investors, advisors, and supporters in the loop and engaged with your progress. This framework and template will help.
75. Surviving a Short Runway. Startup burn rate < 6 months cash
Sometimes you will find yourself running out of runway for your startup. What should you do when you only have a few months of capital left?
74. What is a Cap Table? 🧐 Tracking VC Investments and stock option grants
Many new founders are confused about how cap tables, stock, and dilution work. Learn what you need to know to talk intelligently to your attorneys, investors, co-founders, and employees.
73. When your startup hits hard times: quit, pivot, or persevere?
Almost every startup finds itself in a dark place where it seems they have few options. Even if things are going well for you now, keeping these strategies in your back pocket will probably help at some point.
72. Get more value from your startup advisors
Strong advisors can make or break your startup. My experience is that most founders fail to use me as effectively or as much as they should.
71. How to get startup mentoring and advising at Feel the Boot
I've heard from several founders who are a little bit confused about how advising works here at Feel the Boot. Here’s a quick explanation.
70. High valuations can demotivate employees and derail investment
Founders constantly strive to grow their companies and maximize their valuation. Unfortunately, sometimes a high valuation can hurt your company.
69. When to sell your startup? 🤷♂️ Equity and Valuation vs. Risk
If someone came up to you with a check and said they wanted to buy your company, how would you make that decision?
68. How to recruit the perfect advisors (or directors) for your startup
A strong advisory board is a powerful asset for your startup that can transform your ability to grow and fundraise, but who should you ask to join your board and how do you find them?
67. 🤔 Blitzscaling vs. the 4 hour work week – choose the kind of company you want to create and run.
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? It's an insane job with super high risk and crazy hours and totally unknown outcome at the end of the day.
66. 💵 Pre-revenue startup funding: valuations & venture capital
If you're thinking about raising funds for your startup, you might be asking what your company worth right now, the pre-money valuation? I'm going to pull back the curtain and explain to you how investors look at valuing your startup.
65. Task Management ✍️ make time for strategic thinking
Founders and CEOs can often get into the trap of working on mundane tasks while failing to take time to do the critical strategic thinking that will make the company soar. I share two frameworks that helped me in my startup.
64. Feel the Boot 2021 year in review
2021 was a big year for us at Feel the Boot. We experienced lots of growth, and I want to thank all of you for making such a fantastic experience.
63. Focus on the fundamentals to create a marketing strategy for your startup – Tim Fitzpatrick Interview
Tim Fitzpatrick, founder of Rialto Marketing talks about marketing strategy, marketing fundamentals, and strategic thinking.
62. Design your C-suite with care. Consider the next 2 years of your startup when handing out titles
Take care with the titles you give to early hires. While everyone likes having a fancy-sounding job title, they can come back to bite you later.
61. Understand founder equity dilution and how your decisions impact what you keep.
Learn about dilution and how your ownership shrinks as you bring in investment. The decisions you make, and the terms you negotiate, can drastically alter your payout at exit.
60. Top Insights From 25 Years as a Founder, Angel, and Advisor
This is the best of the best of my learnings from 25 years as a founder, angel, and advisor. Don’t miss this one.
59. Asking your customer these questions can prevent massive wasted effort
For technical founders, coding and development are our comfort zone. Learn how and why to put that on hold and talk to your prospective customers.
58. How I learned to master complex B2B sales meetings as an inexperienced startup founder
When I started as a founder, I struggled with sales meetings.
I want to share some of my key learnings with you so you can skip straight to mastery.
57. Startup Lifecycles and Surviving No Man’s Land – Ruth King Interview
Profitability Master Ruth King, the award-winning author of 5 books including “the Courage to be Profitable” and “Profit or Wealth?”, talks about the lifecycle of startups and surviving a phase she calls “No Man’s Land.”
56. Bootstrapping vs. VC funding: which is right for your startup?
Should you bootstrap your startup to greatness or take outside investment to accelerate your growth?
55. Create a pitch deck that investors can read in seconds, because that may be all you get
Most investors just skim pitch decks in a few seconds. This technique ensures they still get the key information about your startup.
54. What projects to prioritize, and which you should kill, in your startup
In startups, resources are critically limited. What are you going to build, and more importantly, what will not get built?
53. Virtual Pitching and Fundraising Over Zoom, What Founders Need to Know
Most investment pitching now happens over video conferences, so mastering remote fundraising is critical.
52. Slow down and say less to communicate more when pitching startup investors
Most founders talk way too fast when pitching leaving investors baffled about what they are talking about.
51. What founders need to know about patents and intellectual property for startups - Adam Philipp
Patent Attorney Adam Philipp explains what you need to know about patents and intellectual property as a startup founder.
50. Bad startup advice creates cargo cult thinking. Learn to spot and avoid it.
Startup advice, in the form of a recipe or template for success, can cause more harm than good. Learn what to look out for.
49. Six reasons to delay automating processes in your startup as long as possible
Why should you put off automating business processes as long as possible? Learn the benefit of doing things by hand in the early stages of a business.
48. Who is Lance, and why is he talking about startups?
I don't introduce myself in these blogs or episodes, which may leave some of you wondering, "Who is this Lance person, and why in the world should I take his advice on startups?"
47. Ten Common Startup Fundraising Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
I see a ton of bad pitches. I want to share the top ten fundraising mistakes and how you can avoid them.
46. I picked the wrong year to stop sniffing airplane glue - looking back at 2020 and to our future.
In this year-end installment of Feel the Boot, I want to, not surprisingly, look back at 2020 and also talk about some of the ideas I have for where Feel the Boot can go going forward.
45. Founders, your competition might not be what you think it is
I want to talk about a different way of thinking about your competitive environment. Your competition isn't just the other companies in your space.
44. Che Voigt - Feel the Boot Interview pt. 2
A follow-up interview with Che Voigt, chair of the North Bay Angels and co-founder and CEO of Altwork.
43. Sales Aren’t My Thing: How To Reframe Your Perspective and Close Multi-Million Dollar Deals
When I founded Anonymizer, I struggled with selling and marketing our solutions. I share how I overcame my science habits and prejudices to become effective at it.
42. Johann Moonesinghe - Feel the Boot Interview
Johann Moonesinghe, founder of InKind, pioneer in crowd funding, active angel investor, and startup advisor through TechStars, talked about how the COVID crisis impacted restaurants, some survival strategies, and his experience as a gay minority founder.
41. Joy Hermsen - Feel the Boot Interview
Joy Hermsen, expert on entrepreneurship and leadership, talks about finding mentors, startup survival strategies, and how training for triathlons relates to entrepreneurship.
40. How to make luck and exploit hidden business opportunities
Intelligence, skill, and hard work are necessary for your startup to succeed, but they are often not enough. In my experience, you need to be lucky too.
39. Michele Chaboudy - Feel the Boot Interview
Michele Chaboudy, experienced senior executive, serial entrepreneur, consultant, angel investor, and vice-chair of the north bay angels shares tons of useful advice for any founder or CEO.
38. Identify the one strength you must emphasize in your fundraising pitch with four startup case studies
When you pitch to investors, your audience will only remember a couple of ideas. Learn what about your company will wow investors.
37. Lisa Tamayo - Feel the Boot Interview
Lisa Tamayo, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, CEO/Co-founder of Scollar, talked about their pivot from product to platform, and shared her hard-won experience about the startup process.
36. A tool for choosing the best business direction and strategy for your startup. Part 2
If you need to choose a problem to solve, identify your customers, and settle on a solution. In part 2, you will learn to identify your best option.
35. A tool for choosing the best business direction and strategy for your startup. Part 1
If you need to choose a problem to solve, identify your customers, and settle on a solution. This framework will help you through the process.
34. Iris Fujiura - Feel the Boot interview
Iris Fujiura, Chapter Lead of the Silicon Valley chapter of Golden Seeds, and an engineer/executive working on rockets and launch systems, provides great insight into angel investor priorities, and what makes for a successful funding pitch.
33. Five step process to create a killer pitch deck for your startup
I will share my proven five-step process for building a killer pitch.
32. Interview with Che Voigt, CEO & Co-Founder of Altwork
Che Voigt, co-founder and CEO of AltWork and chair of the North Bay Angels, talks about their innovative workstation and how the work from home trend is driving sales and their experiences with a China based supply chain during COVID.
31. Nine things angel investors look for in startup fundraising pitches
I interviewed numerous angel investors to create this list of nine things angels want to learn in your pitch.
30. Elizabeth Gore’s Feel the Boot Interview
Elizabeth Gore, co-founder and president of Alice (helloalice.com), shares numerous insights that will be of great help to any small business owner..
29. Escape the busyness trap that tricks entrepreneurs into working hard while accomplishing little
The busyness trap is when you get caught in a pattern of doing a lot but accomplishing little. I share some approaches to escaping from that trap.
28. How to create financials for early stage pre-seed startups that will wow investors
When you talk to an investor, they expect you to show financial projections. How can you do that when you are pre-revenue?
27. How To Launch A Startup With Zero Capital
Learn how to launch a company without savings or investment.
26. Five critical steps to save your startup during a catastrophe like COVID-19
During an economic crisis, companies need to take immediate and radical action to stay alive. These five moves can save your startup.
25. In startups, distractions are everywhere. Entrepreneurs must find the fine balance of intense focus without rigidity.
What’s the difference between an intentional pivot and just having no clear direction? Learn to achieve focus with flexibility.
24. Why do most founders and entrepreneurs feel like frauds and suffer from impostor syndrome?
Founders often feel like frauds. Learn the nearly universal reality of impostor syndrome.
23. Why are even successful startups and entrepreneurs having trouble raising their Series-A rounds?
Why are so many strong startups failing to raise their A-Rounds?
22. One thing most successful companies share: a pivot
Almost all successful companies share one thing in common: a pivot. Learning and adapting can be the best path to growth and success.
21. Build a strong foundation for your startup by testing assumptions first
Building a business is risky and expensive, but you can minimize the risk and avoid unnecessary expenses by testing your assumptions early in the process.
20. Passion is the secret weapon of successful entrepreneurs. Learn how to identify and leverage it.
Passion provides a gigantic competitive advantage. Learn how to connect your business to your passion.
19. Raising Capital: Why you need more money than you think
When you are raising funds for your startup, one of the biggest questions is, “How much should I ask for?”