Climb the Vertical Learning Curve
Founders need to master a huge number of skills and topics all while scrambling to keep their business running.
Feel the Boot is here to walk with you along the difficult and rewarding path you have chosen.
116. Fear is the Startup Killer: How to Overcome It and Get Started
Most people who ever dreamed of starting their own business never did anything about it.
Fear holds them back. The good news? You can conquer it.
110. How to Pivot Your Startup Before You Launch 🚀 Pre-Pivot Strategies for Entrepreneurs
What if you could pivot before building your solution or going to market? Imagine the resources you could save!
67. 🤔 Blitzscaling vs. the 4 hour work week – choose the kind of company you want to create and run.
Why do you want to be an entrepreneur? It's an insane job with super high risk and crazy hours and totally unknown outcome at the end of the day.
62. Design your C-suite with care. Consider the next 2 years of your startup when handing out titles
Take care with the titles you give to early hires. While everyone likes having a fancy-sounding job title, they can come back to bite you later.
59. Asking your customer these questions can prevent massive wasted effort
For technical founders, coding and development are our comfort zone. Learn how and why to put that on hold and talk to your prospective customers.
56. Bootstrapping vs. VC funding: which is right for your startup?
Should you bootstrap your startup to greatness or take outside investment to accelerate your growth?
49. Six reasons to delay automating processes in your startup as long as possible
Why should you put off automating business processes as long as possible? Learn the benefit of doing things by hand in the early stages of a business.
36. A tool for choosing the best business direction and strategy for your startup. Part 2
If you need to choose a problem to solve, identify your customers, and settle on a solution. In part 2, you will learn to identify your best option.
35. A tool for choosing the best business direction and strategy for your startup. Part 1
If you need to choose a problem to solve, identify your customers, and settle on a solution. This framework will help you through the process.
27. How To Launch A Startup With Zero Capital
Learn how to launch a company without savings or investment.
21. Build a strong foundation for your startup by testing assumptions first
Building a business is risky and expensive, but you can minimize the risk and avoid unnecessary expenses by testing your assumptions early in the process.
18. While starting a business, when should you quit your day job?
One of the most frightening moments as an entrepreneur is when you finally quit your day job. You can risk reduce that transition and improve your chances for angel funding at the same time.
1. Is your passion project worth a day of your vacation time?
Sometimes you need to make a sacrifice to get your big dream off the ground. What’s it worth to you?